Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Yeah Baby! Halfway There, Watch Out World

To the left you can see the second sonogram we underwent.  This was the first one where we could start to see the details of the actual person that Alison is constructing insider of her.  It was pretty cool to see the limbs and what not that will one day be breaking things I don't want broken, and covering our walls in crayon masterpieces.  

So, we're getting closer and things are starting to be more real.  Not that it wasn't real before, but the list of things Alison and I need to do is growing.  And growing.  Sort of like the little munchkin in my baby's tummy.

The list of stuff they (meaning the various websites and books) say we need is pretty extensive.  We went to Babies R Us the other day to look around, browse the selections and also so I could get a sense of what I was getting into.  It's staggering.  There's so much stuff out there.  There had to be 100 different models of strollers.  I kept expecting Xzibit to pop out and offer to pimp our carriage.  I've been imagining what my car is going to look like once our precious snowflake arrives.  It's always been messy, and now I imagine it will be messy with baby stuff.  I'm going to need a very cool baby bag.  Something with skulls maybe.

Alison, God bless her, spent a couple weeks wondering why she couldn't feel the baby move yet.  She seemed really anxious about it.  Then a few days ago, bada bing bada boom, the baby moved.  She said it felt like the kid was having a blast.  I still haven't felt the kid moving, but I suppose it will come soon enough.  

Other than that things have been reasonably uneventful.  Honestly hearing some of the horror stories I've heard about pregnancy, this one seems to have gone pretty smoothly so far.  Alison hasn't been sick or anything, and other than needing new maternity wear every so often, the only thing that I've noticed is that she occasionally - and in the most positive way possible - gets slightly irritated with me over things that might not necessarily have made her irritated before.  But I have to say she has handled it like a trooper and I'm very proud of her.  

We go in for an amniocentesis on Friday, just a precaution to take some of the stress out of our lives.  the Doctors say there are risks, but from what we can see they are all very good at what they do, and we have faith that things will be alright.

We'll be back to add more on Saturday after the doctor's to add more.


  1. Yay!! ohmigosh, my first peek at the youngster and it's got me all teary eyed. How fabulous! I can hardly wait to see HER (ha!) when she comes out of her evil lair. I picture her plotting and planning like Stewie. I love you two soo very much and I'm glad you've got the blog going! I miss you!

  2. Very cool - thanks for sharing and keep it update huh! Al now I can really say you got a big BUTT!

  3. Like crystal said "YAY!" i'm so happy to see little gluteus for the first time. thanks for starting the blog so that all of us in seattle can stay updated on everything that happens. love you guys!

  4. I love it! Now I can keep track of your crazy life :0). If you need any help on what to buy or not to buy just let me know. And remember half the crap at babies r us is for the parents not the child. They really DON'T need all of that...except for maybe the diaper bag with skulls, that's a must.
