Sunday, February 14, 2010

We're Back

It's been a while since we even logged in here. The joy of parenthood is overwhelming in a lot of ways, particularly in terms of the time we have for anything but our little snowflake. Those, I suppose, are the hazards of parenthood.

Not that any of it is a bad thing. Kaylee has been a wonderful addition to our lives. For example, she's inspired me to get into fashion. I have a new clothing line coming out this spring called "Puked on by a Baby." The basic theme is to take every piece of clothing I own and soak it in baby spit up. I figure it will be a hit and should make the us a lot of money.

Other than that we're just dealing with the things every set of new parents deals with: lack of sleep, lack of time for us, lack of sentences that aren't spoken in baby-speak, the ability to watch a movie all the way through. I know it sounds like I'm complaining, but I'm not. The upsides have been amazing. It's hard to imagine what's going through baby girl's head when she smiles at me, but what I do know is that it is pure, uncut, unadulterated happiness. Which is more than I can say about 99% of the smiles we see as adults. Hell she's not even aware enough to formulate the consciousness to understand what she's happy about, but dammit, she's happy. And that folks, makes everything else worth it. If I can figure out how to keep it that way for the next 18 years, I'm golden.

One thing I can say about having a baby in the '00's, is that DVR is a godsend. I'm going to guess that DVR has actually reduced the amount of child abuse in the developed world because, who cares if baby throws a fit in the middle of a show, I can rewind it. Not that either of us would ever hit baby girl, but I can imagine it has saved me a few popped blood vessels this past playoff season. Although, I probably could have missed the Vikings' collapse and saved a couple stress headaches that way too.

The best part about being a parent is that now, I have somebody who likes me for purely...well, pure reasons. I don't have to worry about any ulterior motives with baby girl. Not that I have much to offer for anybody with ulterior motives (which should really have you questioning Alison's taste in men at this point...but that's another discussion).

There are other benefits to having a kid. Now I have an excuse to cut phone calls short (not that I would ever do that to anybody who might be reading this blog - I love all of you, and wouldn't ever cut anything...oh hey, the baby is fussing, gotta run...