Sunday, May 31, 2009

Our little monkey's in there!

A lazy Sunday...

Last Thursday, Keith and I went to another doctor's appointment. We were supposed to meet the new OB-GYN, but she was not available - Dr. Martin. Our first meeting will be in three weeks for a scheduled glucose test...yummy. We heard the baby's heartbeat, which the RN said sounded good and Dr. Bakos said the baby was doing well. What would life be without more appointments? We have another one scheduled this Wednesday with Dr. McGhee at the Fetal Care Center. Maybe we'll get a few more pictures of the little one. :)

Keith has been a fantastic partner; not only does he cook me dinner, but he also makes me snacks when I get home from the office (because he knows I'm ALWAYS hungry when I walk in the door). I know that I can be very sensitive at times, but Keith is the voice of reason. I'm very grateful that he moved all of the way to Dallas just to endure the pain!

Since we've decided not to find out the sex of the baby, we refer to it as "our little monkey." Over the last few weeks, the little ones' movements have been more intense. Every once in awhile Keith puts his hands on my belly and can feel the kicks and squirms - he laughs and smiles everytime it happens - it's really cute. Before I fall asleep at night, I always lay my hands on my's like clockwork, the baby seems to know when I'm ready to go to sleep because somersaults and karate kicks are in-order. I still get goosebumps thinking that our little one will be here sooner than we know it.

As for sports, Keith and I have been watching the NBA playoffs. Sad, sad that LeBron and the Cavs lost to the Magic. However, Keith is determined to make our little monkey into a Lakers fan. He rubs my belly and tells the baby, "You're going to be the greatest Lakers fan because they're the best team in the NBA!" Too bad, but Keith doesn't know that the baby is secretly rooting for the Magic...our monkey is mommy's favorite!

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