Sunday, May 17, 2009

If someone ever comes to you and says "Hey, I've got a million dollars and I want you to start a business," you should immediately go into something involving babies (other than making them, I guarantee your money will be gone in a flash).  I mention this only because Alison and I went and did a baby registry at Babies 'R Us today.  Now, I'm normally not such a practical man when it comes to money.  I've always been of the opinion that it comes and goes (Alison's reaction to this attitude is something that anyone who knows her can imagine), and after it comes and goes, it will come and go again.  Not the healthiest attitude to have, but I am what I am.  I've been trying hard to change this over the past four months or so.  Knowing that soon you'll be buying new clothes every couple weeks and paying for the down payment on your Dr.'s new vacation home will do that to you.  

However all of that went right out the window as soon as we walked into Babies 'R Us.  Our apartment down here is a three room deal: bathroom, bedroom, and  everything else.  The baby monitor I was looking at had the thing that you put with the baby, two monitors, and a video screen.  The crib I was looking at was this enormous hardwood dealie that looked like it would take Paul Bunyon a year to work through. 

They give you a little registry gun, that looks a lot like a Star Trek phaser, to zap your chosen items with.  You would have thought I was at the shootout at the OK Corral the way I was whipping that thing at every bar code I saw.  And to be fair, I was having fun with it.  

Safe to say we have some editing to do on said registry.

The other thing that happened at Babies 'R Us was that I almost broke down and agreed to find out the sex of the baby early, if only for planning purposes.  I'm not saying she was frustrated with me, what with her being a planner and all.  She says it was because I have it set in my head that we're having a boy and I seemed to be picking a large number of blue things.  That is of course probably true.  But I think it's an instinctual male habit, some primal desire to see the genes and name passed on.  I have no doubts though, that if we do have a girl, I will be putty in her little palm, and react with a fair amount of chest thumping and goo-goo eyed jabbering at the sight of my little princess.  Even right now, four months from the event of the birth, were I to have a girl, I'm having a hard time coming up with a reason I shouldn't get her a pony if she were to ask.  It would fit on our porch, and it could probably help with a fair amount of landscape maintenance, what with the grazing and all.

Healthy and Happy is all I'm really asking.

Now, some of you may not find this to be funny.  I do.  In a 5th grade kind of way.  Alison has, as she mentioned in her post, sprung a couple leaks.  Don't ask me why I find this amusing.  I couldn't give you an answer that made me sound even halfway intelligent.  All I know is that Alison is handling all the indignities of pregnancy with far more grace than I could were the situations reversed.  She is, as always, a trooper.

This might have been mentioned earlier, but our current Doc is moving to a different job.  We have one more appointment with her before we start with our new Dr., and though we don't know exactly who it will be, it will be one of the current Doc's partners in the practice, so we're pretty confident things will be fine.

Until next time....

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