Saturday, August 29, 2009

A Night Home Alone

Keith ventured off to meet his gym buddies to watch UFC102 at a bar, so it's a nice and quiet Saturday evening for me. I'm not sure if my nesting instinct has kicked in, but it sounded like a fantastic idea to clean the kitchen. Boy, in the last weeks of pregnancy the littlest chore can become extremely exhausting. However, our kitchen is sparkly clean and our dishes are washed.

Our monkey is doing well, moving a ton in my belly. Braxton Hicks contractions have definitely increased, especially when I go walking. Fortunately, they are not painful but uncomfortable...they stop me in my tracks sometimes. I really don't know how much bigger Monkey can get because there doesn't seem to be a whole lot of room left, but it's just wishful thinking - One ounce a day. As you can see to the right are the pictures from the ultrasound on August 4th. Keith and I believe the baby will take after him, just look at the first picture - super long toes (Daddy is excited to teach the little one to use the feet to pick-up things)! The second and third pictures are of the baby staring directly at us.

As the days pass by, I get more and more excited for our monkey to greet us. Am I scared of labor? To be perfectly honest, I was at the beginning of the third trimester; however, I'll be elated to not feel like a beached whale every day. Now, I'm just hoping for a uneventful labor and delivery...smooth sailing, if you know what I mean. I think Keith will be a fantastic coach, but he's been warned about foul language and mean comments that may fly out of my mouth during labor which cannot be held against me in the future. I'm not really sure if my mom ever said awful things to my dad while she was delivering me, but I can only imagine. Goodness, the more I think about it - one wish I have is that she was here to experience labor and delivery with me. But, I know that she's watching from far above and making sure nothing bad will happen to me or the baby. I sure miss her more than ever...

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