Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Holy Cow!

August 9, 2009 and I'm 33 weeks and 4 days. The baby is definitely growing fast, 1/2 lb each week for the remainder of the pregnancy - yikes! Over the last few weeks Keith and I have noticed that our monkey is getting stronger because the kicks and punches are starting to sting *ouch*. Tuesday, the doctor evaluated how the baby was doing which came in at 150 bpm and weighed in at 5lbs 1 oz. (Keith swears that when the little one makes its arrival, the baby will be 15lbs & 32 inches - LMAO!). The munchkin is still sitting pretty high in my belly, so when the little one stretches it's not the most comfortable feeling...a hard limb pushing against my ribs or right at the top of the fundus. At this point, I'm counting down the weeks until D-day.

Last Monday, we met with my OBGYN for our bi-weekly appointment. At my old doctor's office (in Seattle), the nurse would bring you to the back and immediately weigh you. It wasn't just an ordinary scale, OH NO, it was a gigantic one with a large digital reader board. How I used to pray that no other patients would walk by to see exactly how much I weighed. As for the practice in Dallas, I'm so grateful (I think) that each room has its own scale. With the pregnancy, I normally turn my head when the nurse slides the little mark farther and farther right. Ahh, yes she's so kind because she doesn't ever tell me the results! Ignorance is bliss, right? Well, I thought everything was peachy when the doctor came in to discuss the baby's growth and catch-up with us....all was well because it seemed as though she was going to let us go, but no. She glanced down at the chart and blurted out, "Well, as you know the baby is going to grow significantly over the next few weeks, so you must watch what you're eating. Let's see, you've gained...forty (blah) pounds!" Right then and there, I wanted to cry. If you know how important weight is to me, gaining as much weight as a big Costco size bag of rice is depressing. :( Oh well, I guess I'll just have to work twice/three times as hard to get back to my pre-pregnancy weight.

We recently finished our last class at Baylor, Breastfeeding. The room was packed with expectant parents, a few we recognized from the Labor and Delivery class that ended a couple of weeks ago. The nurse was full of good information: what it should feel like, renting or buying a pump, nursing bras, and a video from recent mothers who were breastfeeding. Sitting in a classroom for 2 1/2 hours after a long day of work does not seem to be a big deal, but being in the third trimester...I just wanted to put my head down on the table and snooze for a few minutes, okay maybe for an hour. Keith hadn't eaten anything before we went to class, so he ventured to the cafe to pick up a drink and snack. He bought Gatorade and a bag of Cool Ranch Doritos. Now, up until this point a lot of pregnant women have complained about foods they cannot stand smelling, but I hadn't run into any food that made be gag. Let me tell you, Doritos are NOT my friend. I don't know what it was, but the smell of them were awful. I used to eat them and didn't mind the smell, but maybe I should keep a closepin in my purse - just in case.

1 comment:

  1. Almost there!!! Don't you think a second on the weight, it comes and goes throughout our lives. All we need is a healthy monkey and mommy! You'll need that stored energy to chase around the little one anyway ;)
