Friday, July 31, 2009

T3: Getting out of bed is a chore!

I am alive, I promise! Sorry that we have not been blogging over the last three weeks, life has been full of work, napping, cleaning, storing, and napping. Wow, so just hit the 32-week mark and things have been going pretty well. As you saw in the previous post, the baby is growing at a pretty fast rate. Supposedly, the baby will gain 1/2 pound every week from here until D-day (*smirk*)...gee, I can't wait to become a beached whale! During our 30 or 31-week appointment, the baby was estimated to be 3lbs 10oz. I can definitely tell that our little monkey is growing because the strength of the kicks are growing stronger everyday. Even though the novelty has worn off being able to feel the baby move, it's still an amazing process. Like my former boss said, it feels like you have "company" all of the time. :)

Things are starting to become more difficult as time passes, such as getting out of bed. I frequent the restroom in the office and at home which I've blazed a permanent trail; however, in the middle of the night when you are fast asleep and suddenly have the urge to's a process to get to the destination. I always feel like I can hold it for a little while longer, so I lay in bed hoping and praying that the baby will NOT move. I've been lucky here and there, but the little one tends to wiggle and it's a done deal. With the extra weight and additional pillows, it's definitely a chore!

Keith and I recently finished the Prepared Childbirth class at Baylor. We went every Monday night for four weeks from 7-9:30. Not only did we learn about labor and delivery, we had a chance to watch a C-section and V-back along with looking at an epidural kit (I think Keith's eyes bulged out of his head when he saw the catheter). I thought it was a great experience to learn about everything that happens leading up to the little one's arrival and meeting other couples that are in similar situations, so we could share ideas and talk about our experiences. Does the process scare me? HECK YEAH! But, after our monkey is placed in my arms...everything will seem like a distant memory.

After looking at all of the clothes we received at our showers in Seattle, Keith and I decided to go shopping at the Allen outlet mall (about 20-30 minutes north of DT Dallas). There were lots of stores to see, but the heat was beating down on us. I became a "grumpy-pants" with no food in the tummy, so Keith hauled me over to the food court to make the situation manageable. Then we headed to Carter's. We found the PERFECT outfit for the little one to come home'll have to wait until we come home from the hospital to see it. I can't wait!!!

Thanks again to everyone for being patient, I promise to blog more often. 'Til next time, hope everyone has a wonderful weekend.

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