Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Cotton Bowl, Inappropriate Places to Fart, & 3 Squares of TP

I hope everyone had a fantastic 4th of July! Our first Independence Day in TX turned out pretty well. Keith and I spent the first part of the day relaxing at the house and watched Gran Torino - a fantastic movie, by the way. Since it was our first year in Dallas, we decided to venture out to a local fireworks display. A co-worker mentioned a good display at Fair Park, the same location where the famous Texas State Fair is held and right outside the Cotton Bowl. We finally found parking 20 minutes after we arrived and walked to the grounds; it had been in the triple digits and kind of humid (yuck!), but I was smart and wore comfortable shoes. Oh my goodness, there were thousands of people! We were a little unprepared because others brought blankets, lounging chairs, and coolers...we had nothing, but a few dollars to quench our thirsty mouths. Overall, the fireworks display was pretty good, but what made it an awesome event were all of the little kids around us in unison saying, "oooh" and "aww" each time a cool firework went off. :) I can't wait for our little monkey to celebrate 4th of July with us, sparklers and fireworks OH MY!

With pregnancy comes the wonderful bodily function of increased flatulence. As the baby continues to grow, it squashes all of my internal organs out of the way! Just like having to rush to the restroom to pee every twenty minutes, farts tend to surface immediately at the most unexpected times. As for me, it is always when there is a large group of people close by or when I am in an enclosed area (i.e. the car - sorry Keith, LOL!). Lately, Keith seems to be having the same symptoms as I and farts in the most inappropriate places. For example, we were in Wal-Mart the other day grocery shopping, mind you it was five or six o'clock at night so the store was not empty. We were walking through the aisle, he stopped so I stopped and then he briskly walked away with the cart mumbling under his breath, "I just dropped a$$!" Too bad I had to look for snacks in that exact location. :( Or today, while we were waiting for the nurse to call us into the doctor's office, Keith was lounging in the chair and toots right in the waiting room with a couple sitting right across the way from us. AWESOME! Do males automatically pick-up similar symptoms that their pregnant woman has to deal with?

We finally made it to the third trimester of the pregnancy, WOO HOO! Keith has been fantastic throughout the last six months: waking up early in the morning to drive me to work and always picks me up at the end of the day, he cooks awesome dinners, and even cleans the dishes and picks-up around the house - I cannot complain too much because he is a fantastic partner and I love him very much. However, I'm not sure if it's out of laziness or if he really doesn't notice, but Keith always leaves me with the last three squares of toilet paper on the roll! C'mon, really?!

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